Real Talk

Advertising + Logo + Brand Design

Real Talk is a podcast driven by a mission and a vision for the future, created in collaboration with Southern Connecticut State University. As a platform for authentic and vulnerable discussions, the podcast delves into current events, student activism, and allyship in order to address the university's role in social justice. I was tasked with branding this podcast and designing their visual identity.

I designed a contemporary, bold direction, resonating with the raw and powerful conversations that have become synonymous with the podcast. We carefully crafted the tagline "Reimagining Social Justice in Higher Ed" to succinctly encapsulate the essence of the podcast, and I made sure to have all of my designs reflect that vision.

After creating the initial logo and deciding on a direction for the brand, I was able to design a range of marketing collateral pieces, including captivating podcast covers, eye-catching social media templates, engaging digital advertisements, and impactful printed marketing materials for on and off campus brand awareness.

Please note that Southern Connecticut State University was a client of Krative, not CoYo Digital. I was working for Krative at the time of creation, and all work displayed was created by me.

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When designing the logo, I wanted to make sure to capture their raw and unfiltered dialogue in the form of a contemporary modern and minimalistic logo. My solution after several drafts was to have bold and striking typography tied together with a thick underline. I connected it to a microphone graphic and used bold and brightened versions of the SCSU color palette.

When a smaller more subtle logo is desired, I designed the symbol variant of the logo. This kept the same visual elements, but arranged and reworked to fit into a tighter space. The microphone and underline now create a small box, which contains the R and T from the original Real Talk logo. It is immediately recognizable while showing very little direct information. This version can now be used when quick subtle branding is desired, but full branding is not necessary.

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