CT State Gateway Community College

Marketing Collateral Design

When Gateway Community College in New Haven became part of the CT State Community College system in 2023, Gateway's priority was to preserve its distinct identity and community reputation, assuring people that their longstanding mission and values remained in tact. To seamlessly integrate the new CT State brand while retaining Gateway's traditional visual identity, I designed a range of marketing collateral pieces. These included email templates, marketing flyers, strong and dynamic social media templates, event posters, and more.

We began working with Gateway at a difficult time, and navigating their evolving brand and new mandatory guidelines proved difficult. With patience and solid communication and transparency we were able to create a new set of brand guidelines that properly aligned with both Gateway's identity and the new rules set in place by the CT State Community College system.

Please note that Gateway Community College was a client of Krative, not CoYo Digital. I was working for Krative at the time of creation, and all work displayed was created by me.

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A primary struggle with working with Gateway involved the ever-changing rules being placed by the CT State Community College system. This is no fault of anyone in particular, but rather just an obstacle that must be faced when dealing with such a large change in infrastructure. Initially we began designing new logo concepts and ways to use the CT State branding more loosely, but as things were developing, many of our plans had to be halted in order to fit the new guidelines. Once we had a proper set of brand guidelines, we were able to move forward with our full rebrand.

This seemingly impossible challenge suddenly started to fall into place, and I was able to create a visual identity that connected to Gateway's roots but felt much more modern and contemporary. This involved using a lot of stark contrasting colors and bold typography. Pairing these new design choices with the iconic ring-like graphics from Gateway's original logo allowed me to tie the new visual identity to Gateway's original aesthetic, allowing the look as a whole to be fresh yet familiar.

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