Ghost Face: On the Case

Short Illustrated Comic + Character Study

Ghost Face: On the Case is a short comic I created as a study on two characters interacting for a long period of time. It tells the tale of an oddball detective interrogating a suspect in a jewelry store heist. It was written and illustrated by me, and is available in its entirety on this site.

I also created a logo face for the comic, which has the visual style of a goofy haunted house. It is simultaneously horror inspired and cartoonishly lighthearted, referencing the exaggerated expression of the title character. The C in "FACE" was designed to mimic Detective Ghost Face's head, while the tail atop his head makes up the S in "GHOST" thus uniting the logo together in a creative way that directly connects to the contents of the comic.

In order to properly set the tone for the comic ahead of writing, I designed the characters that would carry the story. I chose to use basic color theory and assign blue as the primary color for Detective Ghost Face, the obvious positive force in the story, and red to Theo, the negative force. This establishes a very clear good versus evil hierarchy in the characters before even properly introducing them.

I chose to use only these two colors to accent the entire piece, with everything else simply being black or white. This allows for a very dramatic and harsh visual style, letting the characters' poses, facial expressions, and actions carry the energy of the composition.

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