A World Post-Pandemic

Illustration + Comic Collection

COVID-19 took the world by storm, changing how we lived and shooting society into a dark time plagued with sickness and change all around the globe. They were strange times, for sure. This is a series of illustrated cartoons I created over the course of the worldwide pandemic.

Each cartoon relates to some odd happening that occurred over the course of 2020-2021. Included here are an image about the barren sports games filled with portraits and cardboard cutouts, the skyrocketing prices of the pharmaceutical industry, the new societal norm of wearing a mask in public, the surreal blockage of the Suez Canal, and of course the constant fear of visiting Death's door.

Included are also two comics created as part of Desert Island's Rescue Party comic initiative, a way to unite artists dealing with the struggles of the pandemic.

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, a small comic company called Desert Island Comics put out an open call to any and all interested artists. They asked creators to make a short one page 9-panel comic relating to the pandemic. They wanted to encourage creativity and optimism in a time that was looking very grim across the globe.

I have entered two comics to their call. One was created in 2020 and the other in early 2021. Both utilize a somewhat grim and satirical sense of humor, but remain lighthearted enough to be enjoyed despite the darkness surrounding the topic.

Both comics were written and illustrated by me. The first is about two dogs walking down the street analyzing the world around them, and the other about Bigfoot being lonely now that nobody is searching for him.

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