Anatomy of an Alien

Motion Graphic Animation

This is a motion graphic experiment I created in an attempt to replicate a very famous and well known movie opening using modern technology and techniques. The 1959 film, Anatomy of a Murder, is known for having a very iconic opening sequence. It depicts simplified cutouts of severed body parts moving around the screen as names of the people involved in the film's production appear on screen. It plays with size, position, and timing to create a surreal and entertaining sequence.

I re-created this opening, scene for scene, using my own assets and a slightly different approach. To avoid fully replicating the original artist's work, I designed my own graphics and themed the animation around 80s action and sci-fi films. I replaced the cast and production crew names with famous 80s action and sci-fi actors and crew members who worked on big films at the time. This was done to honor that era of cinema in a fun and memorable way. I also replaced the music with something a little more fitting and modern, to tie it all together.

This was created using Adobe After Effects and digital assets created in Adobe Illustrator, rather than the physical approach taken by Saul Bass in 1959. Using these modern methods I was able to create a memorable tribute to the original work of art.

Linked here is the original opening sequence, created by Saul Bass in 1959 for the film Anatomy of a Murder.

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